Red Bag Attachments

Red bag




This page holds all of the attachments that have been hyperlinked to in previous Red Bag editions. 

Summer Term 2024

18 July 2024

Adult Learning North Yorkshire - Summer Fun Family Craft Sessions

Arranging Education for children with Health needs

NYSCP School Safeguarding Audit 22-23

School Safeguarding Audit - 2022-2023

12 July 2024

FSM auto enrolment FAQ

Family Food Digital Leaflet

Family Food Printable leaflet

Healthy Families postcard

Healthy Families Poster

Schools CP Policy

Flyer Supporting CYP impacted by Trauma

Digital Screen - Lets Talk

LTR Paper Survey

5 July 2024

Scam Dr Chris

28 June 2024

Adult Learning - Free Distance Learning Courses

Outdoor Education School Holiday Club Flyer

21 June 20024

General Election - 4 July 20024 - Comms Toolkit

Energy Matters Newsletter - issue 58

Practical Ideas – Auditory Attention – Skill Step 4

Practical Ideas – Questions & Instructions – Skill Step 4

Practical Ideas – Role Play & Creativity – Skill Step 4

Practical Ideas – Speech Sound – Skill Step 4

Practical Ideas – Auditory Memory for Understanding – Skill Step 6

Practical Ideas – Auditory Memory for Understanding – Skill Step 7

Practical Ideas – Auditory Memory for Understanding – Skill Step 10

Practical Ideas – Sentence – Skill Step 10

Practical Ideas – Auditory Attention – Skill Step 13

14 June 2024

School Food Letter

Schools Forum - LA Maintained Primary School Vacancies

Schools Forum - Nomination Form

Annual Governors Conference 2024 LAC

LADO Notification Form - May 2024

7 June 2024

School Term Holiday Dates 2025-26 Letter

School Term Dates Calendar 2025-26 Final

School Term Dates Calendar 2025-26 Final (excel document)

Compass Phoenix Year 6 Transition Support Pack

Compass Phoenix Survey & Training Days

Phoenix BUZZ US Poster

Litter Picker Celebration Event - Poster

FEAST Poster

24 May 2024

CPD Whole School SEND Courses

PSHE and Healthy Schools Training and Updates

17 May 2024

SAIS Clinics Summer 2024

Paper copy of SEND Survey for Parents

Paper copy of SEND Survey for Schools

Parental Preference Letter

EHC Plan Annual Review - Pre-Review Report


10 May 2024

Safeguarding Summer Term Courses

Emergency Plan Template


3 May 2024

National Numeracy Day Number Heroes Competition 2024

Multiply Century and National Numeracy Challenge Code Poster 2024

Supporting Children with Maths 2024

Multiply Family Lego Challenge - May 2024

North Yorkshire SACRE Newsletter Summer 2024

North Yorkshire Police Cadets Presentation 2024

Cadet Advertisement Leaflet - Harrogate, Malton & Scarborough

26 April 2024

Compass Phoenix Information

HM Treasury - Work Experience Poster

19 April 2024

OFSTED Big Listen

Off-Site Direction and Managed Moves 2023

Healthy Schools Free Pupil Online Event Flyer

EYFS Training for 2023-24 Summer Term

Ofsted Survey Feedback:

Children & Young People Survey

Parent and carer survey EASY READ

Parent and Carer Survey

Practitioner Survey

Supported Internships Professionals

Supported Internships Parents & Carers


Go To Slides pdf

Go To Slides powerpoint

Go To Posters - Community

Go To Posters - Young People

Healthier Together - Schools

AP Audit 2024 - Letter to Headteachers

2024 Schools Letter - NYC data submission - 12.04.2024

CYPS Headteacher Briefing SI-0624-T040 26th June 2024

CYPS Headteacher Briefing SI-0624-T041 27th June 2024

Spring Term 2024

22 March 2024

The Locality Board Website poster

Draft School Term Holiday Dates 2025-26 Consultation Letter

Draft Term Dates 2025-26

SEND Ofsted Framework Information

08 & 15 March 2024

Dingley Promise


Digital Platforms Information Sheet

FEAST Poster 2024

Growing Up in North Yorkshire Survey 2024 Letter to Schools

Growing Up in North Yorkshire School Response Form

Sample Letter for Parents

LIFE Feedback 2022-23

LIFE Referral Online Published Form

LIFE Generic Introduction & Course Dates

01 March 2024

York Fashion Week - Yorwaste 

Rebel School Business - Start Up Course

SL SEND Hub Stay and Play

Speech & Language drop-in sessions

23 February 2024

FEAST Poster

When to Call the Police - Guidance for Schools/Colleges

STEM Flyer

Feast activity Poster

MACE Learning Programme

9 February 2024

Music Hub Newsletter

Stay and Play

Substance Use Strategy poster

Substance Use Strategy young people summary poster

Autism Awareness Flyer

SF HN Briefing

f40 SEND Briefing Paper - July 2023

f40 HNB Funding by Authority Graph 2023

Family Fund with Crafts Poster

Growing & Outdoor Learning Training

Regional Youth Climate Assembly Invite

Regional Youth Climate Assembly Showcase

Reading Fluency Project - Flyer

2 February 2024

Post Code Model

NYC SEN Model Policy

26 January 2024

PHSE Development Workshop

PHSE  & Healthy Schools Training and updates

North Yorkshire SACRE Newsletter Spring 2024

19 January 2024

Education Covid 19 Guidance

Music Pick and Mix

Annual Report

Early Years Funding Consultation

Free Careers Related Programme

Primary Recruitment Flyer

RHS Harlow Carr

UA Courses Parent Flyer

Headship for church schools

12 January 2024

Safeguarding Partnerships Courses

Ingredients into Schools Information

Education COVID-19 Guidance

Supporting your Child with Maths


Autumn Term 2023

22 December 2023

Preventing Managing Challenging Behaviour Advert 

15 December 2023

November 2023 - FEAST Poster


Peasholm Park Winter Lights Trail for Kids

Interesting Facts - Peasholm Park Winter Lights Trail

Colouring Sheet Under the Garden

Colouring Sheet Lilies

Colouring Sheet Lilies

Colouring Sheet Spaces in Between

8 December 2023

Headteacher Briefing - Flyer SI0124T017LS 

Headteacher Briefing - Flyer SI0124T018 LS

1 December 2023

Autism Poster

24 November 2023

FEAST Christmas Activities 2023

FEAST Parents Letter

FEAST Poster - Nov 2023

Locality Casework Managers - Post Code Model

C8 DP Training Invitation

NYC Reading Project - Nov 2023

17 November 2023

UK Youth Parliament Elections Information Pack

Sharing Make Your Mark Presentation

NY Reading Project 

Supporting Low Attainers to Achieve a L2 Qualification

Board of Deputies of British Jews - Letter to Schools

Guidance on Palestine

DfE advice to schools

Security Minded Comms for Educational Settings

10 November 2023

Useful Information and Resources re. Israel Gazza Conflict

Winter Preparedness Flyer

Humber & North Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership Digital Passport

Growing Up in North Yorkshire Survey - Feedback Survey

PSHE Personal Development Workshop - Flyer

Let's Talk Money 

Let's Talk Money - Image

27 October 2023

UK Youth Parliament Flyer

UK Youth Parliament Elections - Information Pack

Sharing Make Your Mark

Yorkshire & Humber Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Flyer

Secondary Subject Leadership Flyer


20 October 2023

SL SEND Hub Stay and Play Poster

Letter to Parents with a Reception Starter

Israel & Hamas Crisis


13 October 2023

OLS Booking Form

NYOLS Bookings 2024-25

NY School Term Dates 2024-25

SENCo Network Flyer

NYC Policy Procedures EHE September 2023

School Funding & Budget Update - LA Maintained Schools Letter

School Funding Update - Academy Letter

Appendix 1 - School Funding Consultation (updated October 2023)

6 October 2023

Day Visits with NYOLS

SSDP Letter

Inspire 2gether Flyer

NY Safeguarding Annual Report 

School Policies - Sept 2023

NY SACRE Newsletter - Autumn

Poverty Awareness Training

Governor Training 2023-24

GSIM - 25th October 2023 Flyer

Secondary Religious Education (RE) Autumn Network

Autumn Term 2023 PSHE and Healthy Schools Training & Updates

Free Poverty Proofing Awareness Training

Dingley's Promise SEND Training PPT

Dingley's Promise SEND Training Flyer

Education Anti-Poverty Coalition Report


29 September 2023

NY Protocol Regarding Children Missing Education (CME) & Part-Time Timetables

Hambleton Richmond Drop-in Flyer

SWR Drop-in Flyer

HRKC Drop-in Flyer

Selby Drop-in Flyer


2 September 2023

School Funding Consultation

School Funding Consultation Appendix 1

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

OGAT Standing Maths

Supporting you child with Maths

Energy Matters Newsletter - September 2023

SEND Hub Drop in Dates

IDAS Training Dates

DBV Survey for Parents

15 September 2023

Emergency Contact Information

DBV Letter to Parents

Autumn Stay & Play Leaflet

National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023

Year 6 Letter to Parents

Year 6 Letter to Headteachers

Safeguarding Partnership Courses - Autumn 2023

AWRP - Halloween Family Fun Day Poster

Selby SEND A4 Poster LR


8 September 2023

NYC School Term Dates Calendar 2024-25

Allerton Waste Recovery Park Leaflet

Case Reviews Presentation

Sockettes Poster HKRC Autumn Term 2023

Foxglove Nature Reserve Poster

Primary SEND cohort dashboard 2023

Secondary SEND cohort dashboard 2023

Mild illnesses & school attendance

Summer Term 2023

21 July 2023

Health Protection Update

MMR Leaflet

Treasure Trail Competition

SI-0923-T001 CYPS Headteacher Briefing

SI-0923-T002 CYPS Headteacher Briefing

Hoax Calls to Education Settings

14 July 2023

NYC DBV Case Review Information PP

Letter to Schools - Attendance and HAF

NYC DBV Case Review Information

National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023

7 July 2023

Feast Flyer

Final Secondary Schools Webinar Slides

The Food You Eat at School Survey Template

Breakfast Club Questions

Health Protection Update

Verbo Advert - Craven

Summer Fun on a Budget

Talk for Work - Selby Locality Board Flyer

De-Escalation Training - Hambleton & Richmondshire Flyer

Social Stories Flyer

Glasses in Classes School Info Sheet (Primary)

Glasses in Classes School Info Sheet (Secondary)

23 June 2023

FSM application - Reception, Years 1 & 2

FSM application - Years Groups 3-13 plus Nursery

Information & Universal CPD Index

16 June 2023

Instruction EHE Reporting

North Yorkshire Universal Referral Form

Penalty Notices for Unauthorised Leave of Absence in Term-Time

Locality Board Collaboration & Celebration Event

Early Years Engagement Event

Free SNAP Drop-in Session

Ukrainian Support Poster 1

Ukrainian Support Poster 2

Ukrainian Support Poster 3

Ukrainian Support Poster 4

Ukrainian Support Poster 5

Ukrainian Support Poster 6

Ukrainian Support Poster 7

North Yorkshire - STEM that sticks flyer

Notes of Guidance on Exclusion Reviews

Admission Appeal Panel Volunteer Role Profile

NYC SEND Hubs Craven Flyer

NYC SEND Hubs Harrogate Flyer

9 June 2023

Primary & Secondary Schools: Schools Forum Vacancies

FEAST Summer Poster

SACRE Annual Survey 2022-2023

26 May 2023

Domestic Abuse Training

Immunisations and Gillick Competence Second Seminar

Primary Science Network SI-0623-T039

Primary Science Network SI-0623-T040

Child Safety Week 2023

Safeguarding Week 2023

19 May 2023

Kids Holiday Club Information Pack - June 2023

Maths for Parents

Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 56

12 May 2023

Vebo One pager

EOTAS in North Yorkshire

NYCEP Teachers' and Creative Practitioners Network Taster Event

Tesco Community Grants Flyer

Upcoming TA courses

5 May 2023

Immunisations and Gillick Competence in Secondary Schools

27 April 2023

Poster - MoD Wraparound Childcare Scheme

MoD Wraparound Childcare Scheme - Webinars in April

SEND and RE Day Doncaster - 12th July 2023

Youth Engagement Comms Plan for Influencers

Youth Engagement Communications Plan

Multiply Primary School Competition

National Numeracy Day Event Poster

National Numeracy Day Competition Poster

Multiply Secondary School Competition

21 April 2023

Fair Access Protocol 2022

Annual Review Proforma including PfA Progress and Updated Leaver Pref

ECHAR Assessment Request

GSIM - July 2023

SCC Local Offer for Schools

NY SACRE Newsletter - Summer 2023

NYC 2023 Primary School Data Submission

Special Schools Summer Network Flyer

Summer Term 2023 PSHE, Wellbeing & Healthy Schools Training/Network Dates

AWRP Poster

Safeguarding Partnership Courses - Summer 2023

Spotlight on Supported Internships


Spring Term 2023

30 March 2023 Edition

Youth and Politics Social Club Flyer

Skipton Youth Club Flyer

Easter Immunisation Clinic

24 March 2023 Edition

Eggstravaganza Poster

RAAC Comms to Schools

17 March 2023 Edition

NY Safeguarding Children Partnership Briefing

Secondary Science Network

10 March 2023 Edition

Revised Pension Bandings from 1st April 2023

EHE - School Attendance Orders

Unlocking SEMH Advert - Change of Dates

North Yorkshire Clicker & DocsPlus Training Invitation

IT Support

DocsPlus Exam Mode

Clicker for Special Schools

Transition Referral Form

Sidewalk Mentoring for Y6/Y7 Pupils - Advert

Primary Science Network - Flyer 29/3/23 (am)

Primary Science Network - Flyer 29/3/23 (pm)

NYCEP Teachers & Cultural Educators Event

3 March 2023 Edition

Tree Management Update

Sherburn High School Listening Event

TfM Open Classroom 2023 Flyer - AW Digital Selby

TfM Open Classroom 2023 Flyer - AW Digital Bedale

TfM Open Classroom 2023 Flyer - AW Digital Both Locations

Maths Hub Conference 2023 - Save the Date

OGAT EYFS Conference

School Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Checklist 2022-23

Template for Recording Related Party Transactions (RPTs)

Draft School Term Holiday Dates 2024-25 Consultation Letter to Schools

Draft NYCC School Term Dates Calendar 2024-25

Unlocking SEMH Training

20 February 2023 Edition

Allerton Waste Recovery Park Trip Advert

Scarborough Showcase Event

Spring & Summer Term 2023 PSHE and Healthy Schools Training

Prevent Training Offer 2023

03 February 2023 Edition

Flu Clinic Poster

Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 55

North Yorkshire Clicker Training

Healthy Schools online Event

27 January 2023 Edition

SACRE Survey News

Scarborough Showcase Event English

MES Bulletin - January 2023

20 January 2023 Edition

Year 6 Maths SATs

Annual Report of the Teachers' Consultative Panel

Opportunities for All

KS3 Intergenerational Social Action Project

Spring 2023 NYCC SACRE Newsletter

North Yorkshire Healthy Schools Training 2nd February 2023

13 January 2023 Edition

Cinnamon Digital Immunisations - Schools Access

Cinnamon Digital Immunisations - View School Area


The Go-To-Champions Leaflet

MIS Instructions

Instructions - Part-Time Timetables Reporting

Instructions - Registering Alternative Provision

Instructions - Reporting Restrictive Physical Intervention

School Sharing Agreement

6 January 2023 Edition

Reporting on Attendance - January 2023 update

Skipton Youth Council Flyer

Scarborough's YP Walk-In Poster

Welcome Winter Newsletter

Choices Trifold Leaflet

Choices Enquiry Form

Choices Christmas Leaflet

December 2022 Bulletin

Fostering Home Based Heroes

OFSTED/CQC Local Area - SEND Inspection Framework

Safeguarding Partnership Training Calendar - Spring 2023

Autumn Term 2022

16 December 2022 Edition

Needs Based Guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH)

Printable Young Person's Guide to Mental Health Support

Digital Young Person's Guide to Mental Health Support

New Outwood Grange Academy Trust Maths Conference

Childline - Nobody is Normal - Anxiety Poster

Childline - Nobody is Normal - Body Dysmorphia Poster

Childline - Primary Schools Poster (1)

Childline - Primary Schools Poster (2)

Childline - Primary Schools Poster (3)

Childline - Secondary Schools Poster (1)

Childline - Secondary Schools Poster (2)

NYSCP - Letter to Schools

NYSCP - School Safeguarding Audit Tool 2022-23

Schools Safeguarding Audit 2022-23 Guidance

School Governing Briefing - School Safeguarding Audit


08 December 2022 Edition

Scarlet Fever letter to Headteacher

Scarlet Fever letter to Parents

UKHSA Group A streptococcus Communications Support Pack

Feast Christmas Activities

Indoor Air Quality

02 December 2022 Edition

Foodbanks - A5 Leaflet Christmas

Lets Talk

24 November 2022 edition

FEAST Poster

OGAT Primary Maths Conference

Fair Access Protocol (FAP) Engagement Letter

Fair Access Protocol

11 November 2022 edition

SNAP Training

Specialist Foster Carer Advert

4 November 2022 edition

Keeping Children Safe in education

Health Protection Update Nov 2022

FEAST Poster - October 2022

NotMyChild Campaign - Letter to Parents

Indoor Air Quality Product Briefing Note

14 October 2022 edition

NYCC Governor Training 2022-23

UKHSA Flu 5 Reasons Poster - Primary

UKHSA Protecting Your Child Against Flu

UKHSA Flu Vaccination - Early Years Settings Leaflet

Cinnamon Digital Immunisations - School Access

Cinnamon Digital Immunisations - View School Area

7 October 2022 edition

Hate Crime Awareness Week Leaflet

Autumn 2022 NYCC SACRE Newsletter

Autumn Term 2022 PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing and Healthy Schools Training & Update

School Census 2022-23

Craven Locality Board Careers Network Lead

Craven Locality Board Primary Curriculum Network Lead

Letter to Parents with a Reception Starter 2023

Letter to Parents - Infant to Junior School Transfer - September 2023

30 September 2022 edition

Strategies to support EAL Learners in schools and settings SI-1022-T021

Preparing your classroom, school or setting to welcome EAL Learners SI-1022-T022

Fortnightly briefings for all schools and early years settings supporting international new arrivals SI-0922-T015

Energy Matters Newsletter - issue 54

Autumn term 2022 PSHE (RSHE),  Wellbeing and Healthy Schools Training and Updates

Appendix 2 - NYCC 2023-24 School Funding Consultation

Appendix 1b - NYCC 2023-24 School Funding Consultation

Appendix 1a - NYCC 2023-24 School Funding Consultation

NYCC 2023-24 School Funding Consultation

NYCC Digital EHCP - Schools - EHCP Annual Review

Senco Webinar

23 September 2022 edition

Short Break Fostering Flyer

Let's Talk - Partners Comms Pack

16 September 2022 edition

Programme of Professionals Courses - Autumn 2022

Everybody's Cycling - Free Bike Try-Out

1:1 Swimming Lessons at Upper Wharfedale School

Locality Board Updates

Vulnerability to Radicalisation

9 September 2022 edition

HR Guidance

Teen Zine Clubs Poster

Craven Youth Council Poster

2 September 2022 edition

IDAS DA Training Programme City of York North Yorkshire

IDAS DA Dates for Training City of York North Yorkshire

Unlocking Autism Courses 2022-23 for Parents

Year 6 Letter to HT

Year 6 Letter Secondary Transfer

Summer Term 2022

22 July 2022 edition

Harrogate Drop-In Flyer

Craven Drop-In Flyer

Durham University Autism and School Success Study

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Letter

15 July 2022 edition

Emergency Contact Information

Be Aware

NYCC Pathfinder AB and ECT Services July 2022

NYCC Inclusion Newsletter - Summer 2022

Teenager Fostering Leaflet

HKRC Summer Stay & Play Flyer

Unregistered AP Call for Evidence Document

8 July 2022 edition

Humber & NY Health & Care Partnership - Asthma Friendly Schools Initiative Poster

Draft FSM Application Form

Schools Letter Template FSM

NRP Free School Meals The Children's Society Info

NRP Free School Meals The Children's Society Staff Info.

Active Travel Ambassadors (ATA) Programme Brochure

1 July 2022 edition

FEAST Poster

Education Settings Q&A

Public Health COVID-19 Advice for Educational Settings - April 2022

Hub Drop-In Flyer 2022 - 2023

SNAP Training Flyer

Best Practice Guidance for Related Party Transactions

Governor Template

New Senco Training

Synergy Online Guide ( Free School Meals Process)

24 June 2022 edition

School Term 2023-24 Letter

NYCC Term Dates 2023-24

Twi-light Transition Drop in flyer

Go-To Resources Flyer

Go-To Social Media Messages

Go-To Young Person Support Flyer

Go-Yo Young Person Support Flyer2

SEMH for Children and Young People Flyer

17 June 2022 edition

Waste Electrical Kettle

Energy Price Increase Letter

10 June 2022 edition

North Yorkshire Music Hub - Spring 2022 Newsletter

LADO referral form - Updated 01/06/2022

Level 2 Certificate supporting Teaching and Learning

School Transport Contract Renewals

Summer 2022 NYCC SACRE Newsletter

School DSL Letter May 2022

EEF Flyer - Twilight Sessions

School Health UK Newsletter

North East and Yorkshire Self Harm and Suicide Event

26 May 2022 edition

Programme of Professionals Courses - Summer 2022

Summer Term 2022 PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing and Healthy Schools Training

Early Years Choking Hazard Poster

Early Years Choking Hazard Chart

Safeguarding Week 2022

Safeguarding Programme of Events 

NYCC Inclusion Newsletter Summer 2022

19 May 2022 edition

Energy Matters Newsletter - issue 53

Ukraine School Admissions

The ASK Suicide Prevention Training 

Free Eating Disorder Training for NY Secondary Schools

SPOT Leaflet Funded

Assessing the Language Development of EAL Learners

Meeting the Safeguarding Needs of EAL Learners who are new to English

Preparing your Classroom, School or Setting to welcome EAL Learners

Strategies to Support EAL Learners in Schools and Settings

13 May 2022 edition

EEF Recovery Programme - North Yorkshire Training Programme - Secondary, AP, Special Schools

EEF Recovery Programme - North Yorkshire Training Programme - Primary

NYCC 2022 Schools Letter - Data Submission

6 May 2022 edition

Upcoming Training from the Cognition & Learning Team

Letter from Corporate Director (CYPS) on the Local Government Review (LGR)

29 April 2022 edition

SEN Green Paper summary document

UKDPH letter regarding Scarlet Fever outbreaks

Parent Speech and Language Drop ins - Craven Area - Harrogate Area

Spring Term 2022

8 April 2022 edition

NYCC Inclusion Newsletter Spring 2022

1 April 2022 edition

FEASTer Poster 

25 March 2022 edition

SEND and Inclusion Survey (Harrogate, Ripon, Knaresborough)

Use it Sketch it Share it Poster

UKHSA COVID-19: A Guide for Parents of Children Aged 5-11

18 March 2022 edition


NYCC Governor Spring Term Update - March 2022

Pupil Event for Emotional Health & Wellbeing

Spring and Summer Term 2022 PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing & Healthy Training/Updates

User Research Information Sheet - Standards and Testing Agency

11 March 2022 edition

Child Exploitation awareness campaign briefing

Public Health COVID-19 Advice

Education Settings Q&A

Learn with Pace - live webinars

North Yorkshire C8 DP Training

Early Years SEND Training

Headteacher Workshop - Secondary

Headteacher Workshop - Primary

EEF Educational Recovery Webinars

SACRE Ramadan Guidance

Service Children's Community Choir

Free Eating Disorder Training for Secondary Schools

SPOT Leaflet Funded

Cognition and Learning Day

4 March 2022 edition

School Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Checklist 2021-22

Template for Recording Related Party Transactions 

Neurodiversity Training Flyer

18 February 2022 edition

Free Courses for Jobs - Level 3

Supporting your Child with Maths Year 6 SATS

Supporting your Child with English Year 6 SATS

Professionals Survey Flyer

School Food Letter

Healthy Packed Lunch Leaflet

Inclusion Service Newsletter

The Skipton Academy - TMP Consultation

11 February 2022 edition

Energy Matters Newsletter 

Governor Spring Term Newsletter

EUSS Support Reminder

SNAP Screening Toolkit

4 February 2022 edition

School Term Consultation Letter and Draft NYCC School Term Dates Calendar 2023-24

Apprenticeship Fair Flyer and Apprenticeship Fair Eshot

Treetops Flyer

NGA NLG Leaflet

Spring 2022 NYCC SACRE Newsletter

28 January 2022 edition

NYCC CME Protocol 2022

Post Implementation Review of the PRS Model

20 January 2022 edition

Treetops Flyer

School Census 2021-2022

KCSIE Consultation Letter

13 January 2022 edition

NYTA Annual Report

Unlocking Dyslexia Training

Jewish Exhibition at Castle Museum

OLS Booking Form 2022-23

School Briefings for Cooking in Yorkshire 2022

Child Employment 

6 January 2022 edition

Health & Wellbeing special edition

Craven Youth Council

Notification of Staffing Shortages and Packed Lunches

NYCC SENCo Newsletter - December 2021

NYCC Pension re-enrolment

Autumn Term 2021

10 December 2021 edition

nasen Training Flyer

Unlocking Autism Training Flyer

3 December 2021 edition

PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing & Healthy Schools Training for Spring Term 2022

25 November 2021 edition

Children Working at Pre-Key Stages

OLS Booking Form 2022-23

Outdoor Learning - commencement of bookings for 2022-23

The ASK Suicide Prevention Training for North Yorkshire school staff 2021-22

Peer Networks

Autumn 2021 SACRE Newsletter

Holocaust Educational Trust - Educational Programmes for Teachers

Farmington Leaflet

19 November 2021 edition

School Activity Guidance

UK Youth Parliament Flyer

2 Votes 1 Ballot Flyer

12 November 2021 edition

Unlocking Dyslexia Training

Festival of Friends

Avian Flu

5 November 2021 edition

Reuse Santa Appeal Poster

Back to school mental health resources

LA Explainer Session

The Service to Remember - Order of Service

School Food Letter

22 October 2021 edition

Autism Training

School Teachers' Pay Award and School's Model Pay Policy

Governor Autumn Term Update - October 2021

Senior Mental Health Lead Training and Grant Application 

School Policies - October 2021

School Improvement Autumn Term 2 Courses

15 October 2021 edition

Reception Starters - Letter for Parents - September 2022

Finance Briefing Note

Related Party Transactions - Summer 2021

Related Party Transactions - Template

School Term Calendar 2021-22 (amended for Jubilee Bank Holiday)

SWR Flyer 2021-22

6 October 2021 edition

Back to School communications toolkit document including images:

Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 51

NYCC Guidance on Pupil Premium+ for looked after children and previously looked after children

Parent Carer Voice - upcoming sessions Autumn Term

CYPS Headteacher briefings - agenda for October meetings

Curriculum conversations

24 September 2021 edition

NYCC EHE Policy & Procedures

School Funding Consultation 2022-23

School Funding Consultation 2022-23 - Appendix 1

School Funding Consultation 2022-23 - Appendix 2

Special School Funding Consultation 2022-23

Special School Funding Consultation Response - Appendix 4

Fair School Funding For All - DfE Consultation

NY Voice Parliament Day Poster

School Census - Autumn 2021-22

Engagement Model Guidance 2020

PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing and Healthy Schools Training for the Autumn Term 2021

NY Safeguarding Annual Report to the Governing Body Sample Template Sept 2021

Announcing the Launch of Get Information about Pupils

Pupil Premium Data Download 2021-22 - User Guide 

C and I Courses - Autumn Term 2021

North Yorkshire Schools Forum - School Governor Vacancies

Unlocking Autism - Parent Offer Statement for Professionals

Unlocking Autism Courses 2021 Parent Flyer

Additional on-line Parent Courses

Parents and Carers Workshop Leaflet

On-line Pupil Climate Change Event

17 September 2021 edition

School Sample Child Protection Manual - September 2021 - New Schools Child Protection Manual which replaces the Sample School Child Protection Policy. This document has been updated further to reflect KCSIE 2021.

School Improvement and Inclusion Approved Provider List: Specification and Response Form

15 September 2021 edition

Yr6 Letter to Parents re. Secondary School Transfer

Attendance reporting update

The Queen's Green Canopy - letter from the Lord Lieutenant and FAQ document.

DBS Letter to Schools Sept 2021

KCSIE - September 2021

NYSCP Suicide Prevention - Letter

Early Help Professional Courses - Autumn 2021

Digital EHCP - Information from Schools

7 September 2021 edition

School Safeguarding Audit 2020-2021 School Report

School Sample Child Protection Manual - September 2021 - New Schools Child Protection Manual which replaces the Sample School Child Protection Policy. NOTE - further update in Red Bag of 17 September 2021.

Summer Term 2021

End of term letter from Amanda Newbold, Assistant Director - Education and Skills

21 July 2021 edition

Admissions Letter - All Schools

Admissions Code - May 2021

Admissions Priority for Children Adopted from State Care outside of England

FAQs 2021 Admissions Code

North Yorks Webinar - Flyer - Professionals

North Yorks Webinar - Flyer - Parents

NYTogether - Holiday Activities Fund - Letter to Secondary Schools

NYCC - Governor Summer Term Update - July 2021

Holocaust Educational Trust - Online Teacher Summer School Flyer

Holocaust Educational Trust - Teacher Training Course Dates 2021-22

Holocaust Educational Trust - Educational Programmes for Teachers


1 July 2021 edition

Promoting the education of children with a social worker 

Summer 2021 NYCC SACRE Newsletter

NYFRS Name the Fire Engine leaflet

NYFRS Name the Fire Engine Photo

Energy Matters Newsletter

16 June 2021 edition

NYES Summer Term 2021 - Post Covid-19 Infection Return to Work Guide

Hidden Harm graphic NYSCP - FB-Twitt

Hidden Harm graphic NYSCP Insta2

Hidden Harm press release graphic NYSCP

Hidden Harm press release NYSCP A4 QR code

Hidden Harm parent/carer school newsletter and social media posts

Call to Action

NELI flyer

The ASK Suicide Prevention Training Flyer

NYCC - Governor Summer Term Update - May 2021

CYPS Headteacher Leadership Meetings - June 2021

Outdoor Learning and Educational Visits update - June 2021

Safeguarding Week

NYFRS Road Safety - Schools Newsletter

School Term and Holiday Dates 2021-22 - amendment

School Term Dates 2022-23


21 May 2021 edition

Online Pupil Event June 22nd

HO-EUSS Important Information  - leaflet

HO-EUSS Introduction to EUSS - factsheet

EU Settlement Scheme - Information for EU or EEA Citizen Children

Transition Advice EYFS to Primary

Transition Advice KS2 to KS3

Launch of the 2022 MOD Education Support Fund

Music Hub Spring 2021

Letter re Model Music Curriculum

Model Music Curriculum Flyer


23 April 2021 edition

SACRE Newsletter

PSHE (RSHE), Wellbeing and Healthy Schools Training for the summer term

Voice of Schools report letter, Executive summary and CPD guide regarding service pupils 

Young People's Drug and Alcohol Misuse - Information leaflet and referral form for the new service

Early Help Training - Summer Term activities for professionals and families and young people

North Yorkshire Sleep Service

Spring Term 2021

24 March 2021 edition

Post lockdown curriculum questions - primary - secondary and post 16

Governor Update - Spring Term (March)

Service Children CPD Guide report

Medical Education Service newsletter

VAT guidance for schools

Marie Collins Foundation workshops

18 March 2021 edition

School Term and Holiday Dates 2022-23 consultation - letter and draft calendar

Neurodiversity celebration week

4 March 2021 edition

Use of schools as polling stations on 6 May

Safeguarding audit for schools - reminder

Schools Financial Management Update - March 2021

11 February 2021 edition

Risk Protection Arrangement

Medical Education Service newsletter - Spring 2021

29 January 2021 edition

Early help offer - Spring Term activities for professionals and families & young people

Early Years Funding Rates (disadvantaged two year olds and three & four year olds) consultation

SACRE Newsletter

Energy Matters Newsletter

Autumn Term 2020

27 November 2020 edition

Locality parent/carer virtual sessions - December

Developing a nurturing approach

Behaviour and Exclusions Bulletin 3

Diagnosis and treatment of PANS/PANDAS

PANS/PANDAS diagnostic criteria

19 November 2020 edition

2020 Make Your Mark tally sheet - Youth Parliament

2021/22 Special School and Academy funding arrangements - consultation paper

Join your local Youth Voice Group

9 November 2020 edition

Financial transparency of schools - DfE consultation response

DfE guidance for parents on Elective Home Education

Healthy Child Programme consultation:

Thriving Lives Conference

Marie Collins Foundation - NYSCP training events

22 October 2020 edition

Governor update - Autumn Term 

SENDIASS Autumn Term newsletter

Schools stationery e-templates

Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 48

Become a Young Inspector

7 October 2020 edition

School funding consultation 2021-22

AAC Awareness Month

DLD and Dysfluency recognition days

Starting primary school in September 2021 - letter to parents and common application form

Infant to junior school transfer - letter to parents

Letter to schools in the MASS Scheme

30 September 2020 edition

New two year old funding process

EU Settled Status information

2020 Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey: letter to schools, information leaflet, survey response form, sample letter to parents

Autumn 2020 PHSE Wellbeing and Healthy Schools newsletter

Parent & Carer Behaviour Policy - note to schools, model policy, template procedure

23 September 2020 edition

11 September 2020 edition

Governor update - Autumn Term 2020

One minute guide - Golden Ticket letter approach to two year old funding

The Go To website:

Letter to parents of Year 6 pupils regarding admissions

#Look closer campaign resources

Summer Term 2020

16 July 2020 edition

3 July 2020 edition

26 June 2020 edition

18 June 2020 edition


Spring Term 2020

28 February 2020 edition

3 February 2020 edition

27 January 2020 edition

8 January 2020 edition: