Early Development Specialist Teachers (EDSTs) and Portage Team
EDSTs are part of the Cognition and Learning Team within the North Yorkshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Hubs. They provide advice and support for children at early stages of their development with identified SEND in a range of settings.
In close liaison with the EDSTs, the Portage team supports children from 0-5 years with SEND by working in the home with families to provide a small-steps educational programme. Portage is a play-based approach which supports parents and carers to develop their child's play and learning skills. During their involvement, the Portage team can support the child’s transition into an early years setting.
Involvement with the EDST and Portage Team can be requested via the North Yorkshire SEND Hubs.
Please see below for useful links and documents:
- North Yorkshire SEND Area Hubs and Request for Support forms:
SEND hubs | CYPSinfo (northyorks.gov.uk)
- Early Years Element 2 information and application forms:
- Education, Health and Care Plan Assessment Request (EHCAR) information and application form
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
- North Yorkshire Education Services (NYES) – Information and bookings for SEND training courses and bespoke support/advice
- Individual Learning and Provision Plan (ILPP) and ILPP with prompts for completion
- Settings/Situations, Triggers, Actions and Responses (STAR) behaviour analysis chart
- Behaviour Change Chart