This page provides information and guidance to schools, settings and professionals on supporting the needs of CYP with SEMH.
SEMH covers a wide range of needs encompasses all aspects of emotional wellbeing including:
- Wellbeing
- Resilience
- Self-esteem and self-worth
- Emotional regulation
- Worry and anxiety
- Conduct difficulties and behaviour that challenges
- Low mood
- Self-harm
Each SEND hub in North Yorkshire has:
- SEMH specialists
- SEMH specialist practitioners
How can the SEMH team support your school/setting?
We can offer:
- a detailed assessment of the child or young person’s specific needs and strengths
- signposting to appropriate resources and support the delivery of evidence based interventions
- provide modelling and coaching of support strategies, effective interventions and use of assessments tools.
- support to develop setting/school’s curriculum differentiation and personalised learning
- recommending modifications and structuring of the learning environment
- support to develop a person-centred approach to managing transitions.
- provide advice and guidance on exclusions
- liaise with parents to share information about their child or young person and facilitate access to support as appropriate.
- deliver professional development and training
This support will be free for children and young people 0-25 who meet the criteria for a core service:
- Having significant SEND which requires more support than would usually be provided in a mainstream school or setting
- School/setting have already assessed the child/young person’s needs, and completed approximately 2 cycles of intervention (assess, plan, do, review), but further support is needed.
The SEMH Team are also able to give schools and settings generalised anonymised advice pre referral. This would be via phone or email. This support is in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2014. In this instance, no personal details of a CYP will be shared. Please contact
In addition to support from the SEMH other professionals or agencies may be involved in supporting a CYP- the SEND hubs will allocate a keyworker who will coordinate this support and draw in other professionals if needed.
Traded Service
All of the above assessment, support and intervention is available on a traded basis via NYES for children and young people who do not meet criteria for a core service, or if additional training, professional development or hands on support is needed. A “top up” service is also available to enhance our core offer.
How do I make a Request to the Service?
All requests for involvement from the SEMH Team should be made on the SEND hubs referral form and returned to
School/setting responsibilities/Quality First teaching
Schools should adopt a graduated response to the SEMH needs of pupils using the NYCC Ladder of Intervention.
Useful Documents (including Statutory Guidance)
SEN Code of Practice – Statutory Guidance relating to SEN (including SEMH)
Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools – Guidance from the DfE
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools – Guidance from the DfE
EEF Guidance – Education Endowment Foundation Guidance (Behaviour)
EEF Guidance – Education Endowment Foundation Guidance (SEMH)
NYCC CYPS Exclusions Page – Guidance for Schools and Schools Leaders on Exclusions
NYCC CYPS SEMH Guidance - Comprehensive and practical guidance to support interventions
Ladder of Intervention – Guidance for schools wishing to adopt a graduated response to support pupils experiencing SEMH difficulties
Contact for more information