SEN Support Funding

What is SEN Support funding, who is it for and how do I apply for it?

In 2018, NYC identified 3 situations in which it may be helpful to speedily allocate Element 3 funding to support a short term exacerbation in SEND (which would not require an EHCP in the long time) or to support a school / setting where a newly moved-in child demonstrated exceptionally high needs and would require funding through the EHC Assessment process.

What is the criteria:

  • Child / young person MUST be North Yorkshire resident as element 3 is allocated purely on address

  • A maximum allocation of £3000 element 3 funding can be provided once per child in any phase for one of three reasons

  • A child has moved-in without an EHCP (e.g. from outside of England) and has exceptionally high needs which require additional funding above Element 2 whilst the EHC Assessment takes place

  • A child at SEN Support levels and who should be able to continue at SEN Support is making a phase transition between different settings e.g. early years into reception, Y6 into Y7 etc Additional funding is for a specific piece of work to support that effective transition and enable continuation of support at SEN Support levels in the longer term

  • A child without SEN or at SEN Support experiences some trauma / loss / incident resulting in short term SEN which may require funding in the short term over and above the element 2 available to them.

What is the process:

  • School / setting complete a SEN Support Funding request form (see document below) with all required information and submit via email to the address

  • Head of SEN and Head of Inclusion review these requests and decide whether they meet the criteria or not

  • Feedback to school / setting as to whether funding has been agreed with reason if not agreed.

  • If agreed, school / setting use funding as agreed and complete monitoring form within timescale identified

  • Local authority continue to monitor impact of this through the monitoring forms.

School Responsibilities

  • To identify which of the 3 categories they are requesting the funding for and fully complete the request form

  • To get consent from parent / carer / young person if applicable for the request

  • To spend the allocated money as agreed and monitor impact

  • To return the monitoring form within the agree timescale

Local Authority Responsibilities

  • To review the requests in a timely fashion

  • To feedback to the school / setting whether this has been approved

  • To monitor the budget for SEN Support Funding within agreed parameters

  • To report annually on the spend and impact to the High Needs Budget Monitoring Group

References/link to associated information

Element 3 Funding Request

Contact for more information