What is SEN Support funding, who is it for and how do I apply for it?
In 2018, NYC identified 3 situations in which it may be helpful to speedily allocate Element 3 funding to support a short term exacerbation in SEND (which would not require an EHCP in the long time) or to support a school / setting where a newly moved-in child demonstrated exceptionally high needs and would require funding through the EHC Assessment process.
What is the criteria:
Child / young person MUST be North Yorkshire resident as element 3 is allocated purely on address
A maximum allocation of £3000 element 3 funding can be provided once per child in any phase for one of three reasons
A child has moved-in without an EHCP (e.g. from outside of England) and has exceptionally high needs which require additional funding above Element 2 whilst the EHC Assessment takes place
A child at SEN Support levels and who should be able to continue at SEN Support is making a phase transition between different settings e.g. early years into reception, Y6 into Y7 etc Additional funding is for a specific piece of work to support that effective transition and enable continuation of support at SEN Support levels in the longer term
A child without SEN or at SEN Support experiences some trauma / loss / incident resulting in short term SEN which may require funding in the short term over and above the element 2 available to them.
What is the process:
School / setting complete a SEN Support Funding request form (see document below) with all required information and submit via email to the SEN@northyorks.gov.uk address
Head of SEN and Head of Inclusion review these requests and decide whether they meet the criteria or not
Feedback to school / setting as to whether funding has been agreed with reason if not agreed.
If agreed, school / setting use funding as agreed and complete monitoring form within timescale identified
Local authority continue to monitor impact of this through the monitoring forms.
School Responsibilities
To identify which of the 3 categories they are requesting the funding for and fully complete the request form
To get consent from parent / carer / young person if applicable for the request
To spend the allocated money as agreed and monitor impact
To return the monitoring form within the agree timescale
Local Authority Responsibilities
To review the requests in a timely fashion
To feedback to the school / setting whether this has been approved
To monitor the budget for SEN Support Funding within agreed parameters
To report annually on the spend and impact to the High Needs Budget Monitoring Group
References/link to associated information
Contact for more information