Early Education Places, Funding and Entitlement

Early Years Funding, details of entitlement including further information for childcare providers registered to offer government funded places.

From September 2024 early years funding entitlements are:

Early Years Entitlement Age Range

Funding Available

Action Required by parent

From term after child is 9 months to 2 years old

15 hours per week Working Family Entitlement for eligible working parents

Parent must apply to HMRC for 11-digit code, code then to be renewed every 3 months by parent

From term after child is 2 years old to 3 years old

15 hours per week Working Family Entitlement for eligible working parents

Parent must apply to HMRC for 11-digit code, code then to be renewed every 3 months by parent

From term after child is 2 years old to 3 years old, if family receives additional government support

15 hours per week Disadvantaged Funding entitlement

Parent must apply to NYC for 6-digit code

From term after child is 3 years old until child goes to school

15 hours per week Universal Entitlement for all families

No code required to access with childcare provider

From term after child is 3 years old until child goes to school

15 hours per week Working Family Entitlement for eligible working parents

Parent must apply to HMRC for 11-digit code, code then to be renewed every 3 months by parent

Entitlements are paid over 38 weeks per financial year (April – March) equivalent to a maximum of 570 or 1140 hours as applicable.

Early years funded entitlements are administered and paid to childcare providers in North Yorkshire who are registered to offer government funded places in accordance with the Department for Education statutory guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-education-and-childcare--2/early-education-and-childcare-applies-from-1-april-2024

Delivery of early years funded places is made by childminders, sessional pre-schools, full day care providers, independent schools, state funded governor-run early years settings, academy and maintained nursery provision. To offer funded places a childcare provider must be registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency and on the Early Years Register and registered with North Yorkshire Council to offer funded places. A signed Funding Agreement, between North Yorkshire Council and the individual provider must also be in place before any funding payment can be made. 

Useful Information for Funded Providers - please note some documents are updated each term to reflect the funding offered in that term accurately.
Useful Website Links

Childcare Choices Information for Providers: Information for Childcare providers | Childcare Choices

National Day Nurseries Association National Day Nurseries Association - NDNA

Early Years Alliance early years alliance | (eyalliance.org.uk)

Useful Contact Details

Early Years Funding Team 

Email eyft@northyorks.gov.uk

Families Information Service 

Telephone – Customer Contact Centre                                   Email

0300 131 2 131                                                                        fis.information@northyorks.gov.uk

NYES Digital Team: 

Telephone                                                                                Email

01609 536086, option 1.                                                          NYES.Digital@northyorks.gov.uk