Cognition and Learning

This page describes the support available to schools and settings to support the needs of children and young people with Cognition and Learning needs.

Cognition and learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs and abilities:

  • global developmental delay (phrase often used in Early Years)
  • moderate learning difficulties (MLD)
  • severe learning difficulties (SLD)
  • profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)
  • Specific learning difficulties (SpLD). This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia (known as Developmental Coordination Disorder)

 Each SEND hub in North Yorkshire has:

  • Cognition and Learning Specialist Teachers (0-25) for Early Development,
  • Cognition and Learning Specialist Teachers (0-25) for Learning Difficulties,
  • Portage Practitioners
  • Cognition and Learning Specialist Practitioners.

How can the Cognition and Learning team in the SEND hubs help your setting/school?

We can offer:

  • An assessment of the child or young person’s specific needs and strengths
  • signposting to appropriate resources and evidence based interventions
  • modelling and coaching in relation to interventions, assessments, or how to support a child effectively in nursery or school
  • support to develop setting/school’s curriculum adaptation, adaptive teaching and personalised learning plans
  • recommending modifications and structuring of the learning environment;
  • developing setting/school’s understanding of the physical, emotional, behavioral and educational implications of moderate, severe or specific learning difficulties;
  • minor adaptations, specialist equipment and alternative ways of addressing the needs of young people with specific learning difficulties
  • support to develop a person-centred approach to managing transitions.
  • support to help parents facilitate their child’s development

They will liaise directly with parents to share information about their child or young person.

This support will be offered free of charge to children and young people 0-25 who meet the criteria for a core service:

  • Having significant SEND which requires more support than would usually be provided in a mainstream school or setting
  • School/setting have already assessed the child/young person’s needs, and completed approximately 2 cycles of intervention (assess, plan, do, review), but further support is needed.

The Cognition and learning Team are also able to give schools and settings generalised anonymised advice pre referral. This would be via phone or email. This support is in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2014. In this instance no personal details of a CYP will be shared- contact 

Additional Resources

‘Call Scotland’ resources including Apps

Addressing reading difficulties

ICT to support learners with dyslexia

Ipad Apps for learners with dyslexia

Supporting writing difficulties

Using the Ipad to support dyslexia

How Do I make a Request to the Service?

All requests for involvement from the Cognition and Learning Team should be made on the SEND hubs referral form. (link)

References/links to associated documents

Parents and professionals can seek additional information, advice or support from the *following charities and organisations;

National Association for Special Educational Needs (Nasen)

British Dyslexia Association

Down’s Syndrome Association

Dyspraxia Foundation

Fragile X Society

National Organisation for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

SWAN UK (undiagnosed genetic conditions)

Genetic Disorders UK

Learning Disabilities

Independent Parent Special Education Advice (IPSEA)

ACE (formerly The Advisory Centre for Education)

*Please note this list is neither exhaustive nor denotes recommended or preferred groups, it is for information purposes only

Contact for more information