Extended Entitlement Business Planning

Early Implementer Briefing presentation:

Aims and Objectives of Early Implementation

Early Implementers will deliver up to 1140 hours per year of high quality, funded childcare a term earlier than national roll out in September 2017, in line with the Prime Minister's commitment to working families. This will:

  • Test different approaches that drive market innovation and efficiency, trialling different ways of supporting providers to achieve economies of scale and reduce costs.
  • Generate models of flexible provisionwhich match parental working patterns and meet different child needs including those with SEND, in homeless working families and from BME and rural communities.
  • Increase market capacityto secure sufficient places in a range of different geographical areas and local markets, including bringing in new providers.
  • Work with Government to test how we can maximise parental take-up and employment.
  • Work with Government to test technical delivery systems, including eligibility checking, to ensure a smooth journey for all customers; and
  • Positively promote the 30 hours childcare offer, to help build momentum and maximise parental take-up on national roll-out.

The majority of you will have attended the Early Implementation briefings held during February and March 2017, which informed you of the results of the early year funding formula consultation and the early roll out of the extended entitlement a term early. The following is a copy of that presentation:

30 Hour Extended Entitlement Briefing

Childcare Works Business Partnership Workshops Presentation

Childcare Works delivered workshops around the county during February and March 2017, looking at the extended entitlement and how it could work for your provision, sharing the partnership models of delivery. The following is a copy of their presentation:

North Yorkshire Partnership Planning Presentation

Business Planning Finance Workshops

Across February and March our North Yorkshire Business and Finance Team have delivered workshop sessions to enable early years providers, childminders and schools to look at their business operating models and to be able to plan financially for the extended entitlement early roll out. The following is a copy of their presentation:

Business Planning for 30 Hours Finance Presentation