North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meetings and Agendas

The North Yorkshire Schools Forum meets five or six times throughout the year in January, March, May, September, November and December. Additional ad hoc meetings may be scheduled, for example, in response to the publication of DfE funding consultations.

The agenda for each meeting held in the last two full calendar years plus the current calendar year are available at the bottom of this page.

If you are looking for an agenda item that precedes these dates, please contact the Clerk to the Schools Forum - Laura Sandilands (

Dates for 2024:

  • 18 January 2024
  • 14 March 2024
  • 16 May 2024
  • 19 September 2024
  • 21 November 2024
  • 12 December 2024 (provisional)

Dates for 2025

  • 16 January 2025
  • 13 March 2025
  • 15 May 2025
  • 18 September 20205
  • 20 November 2025
  • 11 December 2025 (provisional)

Meetings usually commence at 2pm prompt.

Public Access

The North Yorkshire Schools Forum is involved in the decision making process surrounding the use of public money at a local level and as such we have to ensure that proceedings are subject to public scrutiny.

Forum meetings are therefore public meetings.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and listen to the discussions of the North Yorkshire Schools Forum. As observers, members of the public are not able to contribute to the discussion nor to vote on any issues requiring a vote.

If you wish to attend a Schools Forum meeting, it would be appreciated if you could contact the Clerk, Laura Sandilands ( in advance to ensure that we can accommodate you comfortably and so  keep disruption to the proceedings to a minimum.  If you require extra help to enable you to attend, for example, because of a disability, we would ask that you contact us as early as possible so that we can try to arrange the necessary support you require.

Attendance of the public is managed by the Chair and they may motion for the public to be excluded from the meeting for items marked as confidential and which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Agenda Papers for 2024 Meetings

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 19 September 2024 (please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

Draft Minutes from 16 May 2024 meeting - subject to ratification by the Forum

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 16 May 2024 (please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 14 March 2024 (please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

Draft Minutes from 14 March 2024 meeting - subject to ratification by the Forum

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 14 March 2024 (please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 18 January 2024 (please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

Agenda Papers for 2023 Meetings

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 23 November 2023 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 21 September 2023 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 18 May 2023 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 16 March 2023 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 19 January 2023 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)


Agenda Papers for 2022 Meetings

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 15 December 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 17 November 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 22 September 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 19 May 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 17 March 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 20 January 2022 (Please note this meeting is being held via MS Teams)


Agenda Papers for 2021 Meetings

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 16 December 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 11 November 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 16 September 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 27 May 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 18 March 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)

North Yorkshire Schools Forum Meeting - 21 January 2021 (Please note this meeting is being held via Microsoft Teams)