Safeguarding Children Partnership

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

The Children and Social Work Act (2017) and Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2023), removed the statutory requirement for North Yorkshire to have a Local Safeguarding Children Board.

As a result, the three statutory safeguarding partners in North Yorkshire:

  • North Yorkshire Council
  • North Yorkshire Police
  • North Yorkshire and Humber Integrated Care Board

in consultation with the relevant agencies agreed the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for North Yorkshire as set out in the Children and Social Work Act (2017).

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) undertakes the work of formerly of North Yorkshire Children’s Trust and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board with the aim to ensure all children in North Yorkshire are safe, happy, healthy and achieving. Full details of the how the NYSCP operates can be found here.

NYSCP Contact details can be found here