Pupil Premium Plus+

Some Looked After Children achieve well, however, the educational outcomes for Looked After Children largely remains low when compared to their peers. It is intended that the Pupil Premium Plus+ grant will address this issue through the provision of additional interventions and learning resources tailored to the individual need of the child. It aims to give Children in Care access to every opportunity to achieve their potential and enjoy learning.

The Designated Teacher should be aware of the Pupil Premium Plus+ budget for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children the school receives and, in the case of Looked After Children, it is imperative that the Personal Education Plan (PEP) shows how effectively the Pupil Premium Plus+ funding is being used to improve their attainment.

NYCC Virtual School publishes regular guidance for schools on the distribution and effective use of the Pupil Premium Plus+ in conjunction with regular consultation with teachers at PEP meetings, and training and Leadership events.

Who is eligible for Pupil Premium Plus funding?

Financial support is available as soon as a child becomes looked after.

• For more information regarding the Virtual School’s Early Years support please see the section of our website here
• For more information regarding the Virtual School’s Post-16 support please see the section of our website here
• For more information regarding the Virtual School’s Higher Education support please see the section of our website here

Pupil Premium Plus+ is also available for Previously Looked After Children. This funding is allocated directly to and managed by the school, not the Virtual School. The use of the Pupil Premium Plus+ for these children should be given on the school’s website without identifying any child. See the Previously Looked After Children section here for more details.

How is Pupil Premium Plus paid to schools?

School must produce a funding provision map linked to the SMART targets on ePEP detailing the intervention/action/resources required. They are advised to consult with parents and carers, social workers, colleagues from the Virtual School and, most significantly, the individual child to ensure it is used to support the education the child needs and deserves, to help them succeed in life.

Funding provision maps are invited up to an amount of £1,900 per annum for Looked After Children of NYCC and if successful will be authorised by the Virtual School as part of the eGov ePEP process to the establishment where the pupil is on roll at the start of each term.

This will be distributed to schools as per the timetable below:

Term Expected Authorisation Paid to School
Autumn Term £633 December
Spring Term £633 February
Summer Term £634

NYCC Maintained Schools - July

OOA/Academies - October

Please note that if a child is in the care of another Local Authority, then the payment will come from that Local Authority and the amount of funding may differ.

Using the Pupil Premium Plus+ effectively to improve attainment

Schools will need to ensure that they use the Pupil Premium Plus+ in ways which make a positive impact on the educational attainment and progression of each child for which it is intended.

Schools are encouraged to be creative in their strategies to meet a child’s assessed needs:

  • Evidence based practice should inform Pupil Premium Plus+ spending. Schools are encouraged to use the EEF Toolkit.
  • It may be that a whole school INSET session would benefit, featuring training on issues such as Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, Trauma and Attachment (see below), Emotion Coaching, Restorative practice and behaviour management.
  • Reference should be made to the detailed guidance in the NYCC Ladder of Intervention for supporting people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties in schools.
  • For children whose attainment is better than their peer group, consideration can be given to strategies targeted at those considered ‘gifted and talented’ or providing opportunities they might not otherwise receive.
  • Private lessons for example, music/dance/drama/singing lessons, can be provided particularly where the child can gain accreditation.
  • Specific support in areas of extra-curricular interest – art materials, music, Duke of Edinburgh, drama or sports for example.
  • Circumstances where Pupil Premium Plus will not be provided

Pupil Premium Plus+ is an opportunity to advance the learning of looked-after children through the provision of additional and different interventions and learning resources, tailored to the individual need of the child. It is not intended to replace or subsidise funding for services, support or resources that the local authority, schools, carers or other agencies involved with the child already provide. It should not be used to fund services that should be provided via a statement, SEN support plan or Education Health and Care plan. Furthermore, it is not to be used to fund support provided to all children in the area as a universal service, such as transport, or as part of their educational entitlement.

The Virtual School reserve the right to decline funding requests if the provision map does not meet the criteria for Pupil Premium Plus+ spend for Looked After Children after consideration by The Virtual School Resources Panel.

Applying for additional funding

Virtual School top up funding is available after discussion with Virtual School Staff to support schools when the Pupil Premium Plus+ has been spent/allocated and there is a clearly evidenced additional need for specific needs and challenging circumstances.

Following a discussion with a Virtual School member of staff top up forms should be fully completed by schools and emailed via Egress to virtualschool@northyorks.gov.uk to be added to the next Virtual School Resource Panel for consideration.

Top up forms and invoices should be forwarded as soon as possible; delays may result in non-payment or reduced amounts.
Please see the NYC Pupil Premium Plus+ Guidance for more details

Useful weblinks and documents

NYCC Guidance on the Pupil Premium for Children and Young People in Care

Pupil Premium Conditions of Grant 2020 to 21 (DfE)

DfE Pupil Premium and the Role of the Virtual School Head 2014-15

10 Low-Cost Pupil Premium Intervention Ideas Proven To Be Effective (Third Space Learning)

 How to spend Pupil Premium funding in a Primary setting (Third Space Learning)

 Meeting the needs of adopted and permanently placed children - A Guide for school staff (PAC UK)

Summary of the evidence on the impact of different interventions on 5-16 year-olds (Education Endowment Foundation)

Promoting the Education of Looked After Children (DFE, 2018) see page 21 for Getting the most from Pupil Premium Plus+ and 22 for a Case study 

45 Pupil Premium Strategies For Cost Effective Impact In Primary Schools (Third Space Learning)

Making the most of Pupil Premium Plus+ (Adoption UK)

Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for Looked After children (Bath Spa University)