School Attendance

In all cases of poor school attendance it is essential that early action is taken by schools to prevent escalation of the situation. Early intervention to prevent emerging patterns of absence, and making full use of the support available from the Local Authority and other agencies, helps address problems that are beyond the capacity of the school to deal with unaided.

Local Authority/School Responsibilities- Legal Intervention:

There are occasions when legal action is the appropriate course of action if early intervention does not bring about the required improvements. The following document sets out the roles and responsibilities of all schools, with regard to unauthorised absence. It also provides links to documentation which may be used for this purpose.

Executive Summary - Statutory Intervention by the Local Authority for School Attendance

School Attendance Support Pathway 

NYC Code of Conduct for Use of Fixed Penalty Notices

Parent/Carer Responsibilities:

All parents who have children of compulsory school age are responsible in law for ensuring that their children receive a suitable education.

Find out more in the documents below:

Information for Parents/Carers - Rights and Responsibilities - Sept 2021

Schools/LA Formal Attendance Procedures (Fast Track): Template Letters and Proforma


Early Intervention: Template Letters

Letter 1: Lateness 

Letter 2: Under Percentage Attendance

Letter 3: Home Visit/Meeting in School

Stage 1 (Schools Responsibility)

Leg 1: Initial Warning Letter

Leg 1(a): Time Restricted Attendance Procedures 

Fast Track Monitoring Template - August 2024

Leg 1 (b): Information for Parents - Rights and Responsibilities 

Stage 2 (Schools Responsibility)

Leg 2: Invite to Panel Meeting

Leg 3: Attendance Panel Meeting Proforma

Leg 4: Letter and Notes of Panel Meeting

Leg 5: Failure to Attend Panel Meeting 

Leg 6: Required Level of Attendance Achieved 

Stage 3 (LA Responsibility)

Leg 7: Letter of Invite to Pace Caution Formal Interview

Leg 8: Transcript of Pace Caution Formal Interview

Leg 9: Letter of Decision from Pace Caution Formal Interview

Leg 10: Cert of Attendance

Leg 11: Model Witness Statement

Leg 12: Education/CSC Consultation- ESO

Leg 13- School Report- ESO

Leg 14- Certificate of Attendance- ESO

Penalty Notices

In North Yorkshire, Penalty Notices are issued in accordance with the North Yorkshire Council's Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices which can be downloaded below:

Index of Penalty Notices

PN 1 15 Day Warning Letter

PN 2 Certificate of Attendance

PN 3 Model Witness Statement: Amended

PN 4 Application for Leave of Absence in Exceptional Circumstance

PN 5 Letter Not Authorising Leave of Absence

PN 6 Letter Authorising Leave of Absence

PN 7 Certificate of Attendance - Unauthorised Leave of Absence

PN 8 Model Witness Statement - Unauthorised Leave of Absence

PN 9 Model Witness Statement - Found in a Public Place (Exclusion)

PN 10 Model Letter (Exclusion)

Frequently Asked Questions About Penalty Notices - Information for schools concerning unauthorised leave of absence in term time.


Appendix 1: Extract of Education Act 1996 Section 444 Offence

Appendix 2 - One Minute Guide

Appendix 3: NYCC Code of Conduct for the use of Penalty Notices 

Appendix 4: School Attendance Orders - Guidelines and Letters

Appendix 5: School Attendance Process Map


Useful External Weblinks

Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) (

DfE: Parental Responsibility Measures for School Attendance and Behaviour - Jan 15

DfE Statutory Guidance: Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions - Sept 2014


Other Useful Documents

Part-Time Timetable Protocol

Part-Time Timetable Checklist

Part-Time Timetable One Minute Guide for Parents


CYPS Info Related Pages

Children Missing Education

Early Help

Elective Home Education



Attendance and Enforcement Officers

Yorkshire Coast, Ryedale, and Selby

Victoria Nightingale Tel: 07989 727550

Hambleton/Richmond, Harrogate, Ripon, Knaresborough, Craven).

Julie Parrish – Tel: 01609 798013