This section includes information about the governance arrangements and membership for the North Yorkshire Schools Forum.
The Constitution of the North Yorkshire Schools Forum was endorsed by the Schools Forum in September 2014. It has been updated in September 2022 and can be found North Yorkshire Schools Forum Constitution.
The Schools Forum Guide has been produced to provide new members, local authority officers and elected members with advice, guidance and information relating to the functions and operation of the North Yorkshire County Council Schools Forum. It is also intended to provide prospective members with the information they require to make an informed decision as to whether or not they should stand for election as a representative on the Schools Forum when a suitable vacancy arises.
The Schools Forum FAQs document outlines what the Schools Forum is, what it does, how it is regulated and how you can get involved.
Membership of the North Yorkshire Schools Forum is as follows:
Schools Members (Headteachers, Governors, Pupil Referral Services) - 13
Academy Members (Schools/Trusts, Special, PRS) - 17
Non Schools Members (Early Years, Diocese, 16-19 Providers and Unions/Professional Associations) - 6
Official observers - 4
Current representatives are listed within the agenda for each meeting.
The Department for Education provide information and advice about schools forum obligations and duties. Information about good practice, structures, powers and responsibilities can be found under useful links below.
Please contact the Clerk to the Schools Forum, Andrea Mansfield ( if you cannot find the information you require.
Useful Links
Department for Education Schools Forum Guidance
The LMS Scheme for the Financing of Schools in North Yorkshire is the funding framework for schools. It sets out the financial relationship between the Local Authority and the maintained schools it funds. Within it are requirements relating to financial management and associated issues which are binding to both the Local Authority and the schools. The Scheme is updated to reflect Governmental advice. The North Yorkshire Scheme can be found in Chapter 2 of the School Finance Manual .