North Yorkshire Schools Forum

Schools forums were established under the Education Act 2002 to provide schools with greater involvement in the distribution of funding within their local authority and to act as a consultative and advisory body in relation to school funding. The North Yorkshire Education Partnership incorporates the role of Schools Forum

Regulations prescribe three main functions upon which the local authority must consult its forum. These relate to changes to the schools funding formula, the terms of contracts to be let by the local authority for services to schools and paid for from the schools budget (subject to a de minimus level) and on issues relating to the management of the schools budget.

Schools Forums: Powers and Responsibilities sets out in table format the specific roles of the Local Authority, the Schools Forum and the DfE.

In this area you will find:

  • Agendas, papers and minutes of the Schools Forum meetings for the current and the last two full calendar years
  • Documents specific to the Forum including the Constitution, the Guide to the North Yorkshire Education Partnership and a set of frequently asked questions
  • DfE documents including the Operational and Good Practice Guidance for Schools Forums
  • Information on the membership 
  • Schools Forum Matters - a publication for schools that summaries the most recent business of the North Yorkshire Education Partnership
  • Links to the DfE Schools Forum information

DfE guidance can be found here.


Clerk to the Schools Forum - Laura Sandilands (