What is children’s public health?
With around 150,000 young people under 25 in North Yorkshire, we have a huge responsibility to ensure that children and young people are as healthy as possible and grow into healthy adults. It is therefore our job to make it as easy as possible for young people and their families to stay well and prevent illness. Indeed, the majority of young people and their families are healthy and have no need of extra support, but where challenges arise, with either mental or physical health, we are there to help and support, be that directly, or through signposting to services which can help.
What are the current priorities?
In close partnership with the NHS and the voluntary sector, the main areas are:
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Autism, ADHD and neurodiversity
- Maternity and the first 1001 days
- School readiness
- Healthy lifestyles i.e. healthy eating and healthy weight
- Oral health
- Asthma, epilepsy and diabetes
We also work on specific priorities for vulnerable children and families.
How are children and young people included?
There are many ways, which include:
- Engagement events
- Youth Councils
- Youth Voice
For more information on how public health works for children, young people and their families: In our words – A Childs Life in North Yorkshire Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022-23 (nypartnerships.org.uk)
For any queries: nypublichealth@northyorks.gov.uk.