North Yorkshire Council is the admissions authority for all maintained community and voluntary controlled schools across the county, this means that the Authority is the body responsible for setting and applying the admission arrangements for these schools. For foundation, trust or voluntary aided schools, the governing body is the admission authority. For Academies, the academy trust is the admission authority.
The term admission arrangements are applied to the overall procedure, practices and over subscription or admissions criteria used in deciding the allocation of school places.
Over subscription/admissions criteria is the list of criteria and admission authority must adopt for its schools which are only used when the school is oversubscribed (i.e. when there are more applicants than the number of places available), they enable the admissions authority to assess which children will be offered a place.
The admission arrangements including admission policies for Community and Voluntary Controlled primary and secondary Schools and for nursery schools and schools with nursery or pre-reception classes, Published Admission Numbers and the Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements including Selection Scheme are determined each year by the Council.
The Local Authority has a duty to publish, on its website, the admission arrangements for all schools and academies. Any school which is its own admission authority (i.e. the governing body are responsible for admission arrangements) and academies must also publish their own admission arrangements on their website if they have one.
In addition to publishing admission arrangements for all schools the Local Authority must publish a composite prospectus for parents. This prospectus which we refer to as ' A Guide for Parents' contains information about each maintained school and Academy in North Yorkshire.
Key dates for Primary and Secondary school admissions
31st October is the deadline to apply for a Secondary school place
1st March is National Offer Day when secondary school places are allocated. (No information on the school place allocated should be shared with parents before that date).
15 January is the deadline to apply for a primary school place.
16th April is National Offer Day when a Primary school places are allocated. (No information on the school place allocated should be shared with parents before that date).
NB: where National Offer Day falls on a weekend or Bank Holiday, school places will be allocated the next working day
Admissions Team
Tel: 01609 533679
Admission Arrangements 2026-27
Determined Admission Arrangements 2026-27 Notice
- Appendix 1 - Determined co-ordinated Admission Arrangements 2026-27
- Appendix 2 - Determined co-ordinated in-year Admission Arrangements 2026-27
- Appendix 3 - Admissions Policy for Community and VC Schools 2026-27
- Appendix 4 - Admissions Policy for Ripon Grammar School Boarding 2026-27
- Appendix 5 - Nursery Policy for Community & VC Nurseries 2026-27
- Appendix 6 - Primary Schools and Addresses by Type
- Appendix 7 - Secondary Schools and Addresses by Type
- Appendix 8 - Primary Admission Numbers for Community & VC Schools 2026-27
- Appendix 9 - Secondary Admission Numbers for Community Schools only 2026-27
Admission Arrangements 2024/2025
Appendix 1 - Determined NYCC Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Appendix 1a - Determined NYCC Co-ordinated In Year Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Appendix 2 - NYCC Admissions Policy for community and voluntary controlled schools 2024-2025
Appendix 3 - NYCC Nursery Policy for community and voluntary controlled nurseries 2024-2025
Appendix 4 - Determined Primary Admission Numbers (community and voluntary controlled) 2024-2025
Appendix 5 - Determined Secondary Admission Numbers (community and voluntary controlled) 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025/26 Consultation
Appendix 1 - NYC Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Appendix 1a- NYC In Year Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Appendix 2 -Admissions Policy for community and voluntary controlled schools 2025-2026
Appendix 3 - Nursery Policy for community and voluntary controlled nurseries 2025-2026
Appendix 4 - Primary schools and addresses by type
Appendix 5 - Secondary schools and addresses by type
Appendix 6 -Primary Admission Numbers NYC community and vc 2025-2026
Appendix 7 - Secondary Admission Numbers NYC community and vc 2025-2026