Collective worship

Legal context of Collective Worship 

All state schools must provide a daily act of collective worship for all registered pupils
up to the age of 18. Whereas for maintained schools this requirement is enshrined within legislation, for academies the requirement forms part of their funding agreement. Schools with a religious character (both maintained and academies) will provide collective worship in accordance with their trust deed, or in accordance with the tenets of their faith.

The role of SACRE

SACRE monitors schools’ provision for Collective Worship.

SACRE  must  consider  applications  from  a  head  teacher  that  the  school  be  allowed  to  modify  the  ‘wholly  or mainly  of  a  broadly  Christian  character’  requirement  for  collective  worship.  (This is  known  as  a  determination.)

To find out more about SACRE please visit here.

Collective worship guidance

NYCC SACRE: Guidance to Schools on Collective Worship

Appendix 1: Collective Worship Model Policy

Appendix 2: Determination Guidance

Appendix 3: Collective Worship Themes

Appendix 4: Self Evaluation Toolkit for Collective Worship

A 2 year plan for collective worship in a primary school, with accompanying resources, is available on the NYES website under resources.

For further information and support for Collective worship please contact School Improvement NYES