North Yorkshire County Council Schools Carbon Reduction Officers provide a unique service to help schools reduce both their energy and water use. Forming part of the NYCC Energy Team, this service won the Association for Public Service Excellence 2021 Best Climate action initiative for their schools programme. As former teachers, Ruth Stacey and Peter Bell have many years’ experience in the classroom. As well as providing Eco Schools support to staff, teaching ideas and resources, they will also visit your school.
“Power down Pete" is the super hero alter ego of Carbon Reduction Officer Peter Bell who fly's in to do assemblies, workshops and lessons on environmental issues and climate change.
Ruth Stacey is the part time Schools Carbon Reduction Officer who runs the NYCC Healthy Schools programme as well as supporting the aims and objectives of the Energy Team.
The aim of this service is to support schools to implement no and low cost measures to become more energy efficient. This reduces costs and exposure to future fuel prices rises. It is also to educate pupils in how they can become sustainable in a world of decreasing resources and increasing environmental risk.
The department for education policy on sustainability and climate change requires schools to produce climate action plans. Schools should appoint a climate lead and develop opportunities to place environmental issues at the heart of their curriculum.
This service is part of the new NYCC Primary Package energy traded service, part of property solutions.
Services available from the Schools Carbon Reduction Officers.
- The School Carbon Reduction Officers offer a comprehensive range of services to support you.
- They work with school management and staff providing energy surveys and efficiency advice on both energy and water use.
- They run staff and governor training and conduct workshops to assist staff and school managers in delivering savings.
- They run environmentally themed event-days across the county.
- They act as a link into the NYCC energy team and can advise and assist with any energy and water related projects.
- They advise schools on how to progress through the Eco Schools award scheme (www.eco-schools.org.uk)
- They support schools in the delivery of relevant curriculum areas and help schools deliver the Department for Education policy on Climate Change and Sustainability.
- They deliver assemblies, activities and workshops to all age groups.
Comments on the Carbon Reduction Service from School staff.
Pete was brilliant in his delivery and had a fab rapport with all of the children - altogether one of the best days we have had in a long time.
Headteacher at Carleton Endowed CE Primary School
I was incredibly impressed with the presentation given by Powerdown Pete. His ability to get the message across and relate to the children was outstanding.
Governor, Ripley Endowed School
Ruth, Thank you so much for coming to see me yesterday. I now feel more confident that we are actually doing okay and working in the right direction...
Oatlands Infant School Harrogate
Ruth, Just to let you know our brilliant news - we were assessed yesterday and have been successful in gaining the Green Flag award!!! So thank you for your support and guidance at the last support meeting. We are all thrilled here!
Kirk Smeaton CE Primary School Selby
The assembly was fun, informative and more importantly memorable. I even had one year 6 boy come up to me and say "Power down Pete is cool!"
Kirkby Overblow school.
Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 53 - May 2022
Energy Matters Newsletter - Issue 52 - February 2022