Health & Safety Risk Management

Health and safety is an integral part of what we do and the health, safety and well-being of staff, pupils and visitors to Children and Young People's Service establishments is everyone's responsibility.

The Council have developed policies and procedures to provide clear guidance on what is expected of staff and managers. Corporate procedures, for general issues that apply across the Council, can be found on the NYC Staff Intranet site whilst service specific health and safety information is displayed on this website.

The Children and Young People's Service health and safety risk management team aim to provide all the essential up to date guidance and information for this Directorate. On this section of the website you will find:

  • The Children and Young People's Service Health and Safety Policy and Guidance
  • Risk Assessment Proformas
  • Action Plans.

Go to North Yorkshire Education Services to find out more about the traded service for schools.

Useful Downloads

The Children and Young People's Service Health and Safety Policy and Guidance Handbook is divided into two sections as shown below.

Section 1: CYPS Health and Safety Guidance Handbook

Section 2: Guidance and Proformas and Action Plans (please log in to access this content)


Health and Safety Guidance letters

Fire Safety in Schools - July 2017