Governor Induction

Governor Induction

Many new governors have only a little knowledge of the role and responsibilities that they are expected to undertake as a governor. In many cases the knowledge and information that they need to be effective as a governor is only obtained gradually through attendance at meetings, in discussions with other governors or through attendance at training courses.

Governing boards can do much to rectify this situation by having an effective induction programme.  Many boards use a mentor or buddy system to guide and support new governors as they learn about their new role.

 What are the key things that governors need to know?

  • How the school functions
  • The roles and responsibilities of the governing board
  • What is expected of them as a governor

Availability of training opportunities
Key information/documents for new governors:

 Specific to your board:
Instrument of Government
Code of conduct
List of governors
Standing orders 
Committee structure and terms of reference

Specific to your school:
School development plan
General information about the school  - NoR, classroom organisation, assessment data, staff list, current development plan etc

For further information Please Contact

Tel: 01609 798864